Saturday, January 30, 2010

Back to sleep do or not to do.

I am sure if you are a newer mom like me. Then you were told to use the back to sleep campaign.

The Back to Sleep campaign is suitably named for its recommendation to place healthy babies on their backs to sleep. Placing babies on their backs to sleep reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as "crib death." This campaign has been successful in promoting infant back sleeping to parents, family members, child care providers, health professionals, and all other caregivers of infants.
I did use it for Little Man and he got a flat head. No lie. The poor little babe had such a flat head that I started to get a bit worried. I talked to my doctor and only felt comfort because she told me she had seen worse heads. So at least my kid wasn't the worst in the bunch!! Go LM! Well after doing some research I found a nice little pillow for him to lay on. Boppy makes them and so does Pottery Barn. The pillow has a hole in it for your child's head to rest in. This helps keep the great roundness any mom wants for her baby.
After using the pillow for LM I could see a huge improvement of his noggin. Although today my sister told me his head looked funny. That's what made me come home and blog this for any of yo who need help for your babies head or you are planning on using the Back to sleep campaign, you should get one.


Unknown said...

While that is a very cool product I sincerely hope that no one puts their baby on their tummy to sleep simply because they want a round head. SIDS cases dropped dramatically because of the Back-to-Sleep campaign. Sometimes I only wish it had happened sooner, since both my sisters died from SIDS before it started. It may give your baby a flat head, but at least you still have your baby. I put my daughter on her back to sleep and she turned her head to the side to sleep. It's round still!

Jamie's Jewels said...

My daughter also kind of got a flat head, but many babies dont...Our Dr said it was minor, though it looked bad, she is now almost 18 months, and for the most part its round...I would never risk it cause of SIDS, Also, don't use bumpers!! I have no idea why they still sell them, but they are not good for SIDS..My daughter slept in her crib bare since the say she was born in her own bedroom..No basssinet needed..Its all a money gimic..:) The pillows you mentioned are Ok, but Ive heard they give flat slpots in other areas, so I never used them..

Anara said...

As a NICU nurse and mother of two this product makes me uncomfortable. Many infants flip before they can roll over, and this product violates part of the Back To Sleep campaign's teachings of no loose bedding or soft items in the crib. I've seen enough brain dead babies in PICU to know that this is no joke and not worth the risk. You can't use it in a carseat because it violates carseat safety standards. And a sleeping baby in a swing or carseat could move around enough that if part of this covered their nose and mouth they could suffocate. Babies' brains do not get the message that they need to move because they are not getting enough oxygen until around a year.

To prevent a "flat spot" make sure you give your baby tummy time daily (break it up into small 5 minute periods if they hate it), remember that a swing,boppy, breastfeeding pillow, or car seat puts pressure on the back of the head as well, and if your baby is awake there is no reason she can't be on her belly. Put your baby on your shoulder, her belly across your lap or on your belly as your baby starts to stay awake longer between feeds.When there's enough neck support use a bumbo or similar seat b/c the highchair also puts pressure on the back of the head. Don't always cradle when you hold your baby. Sit her little bottom on your knee and hold the back of her head at the top of the neck. You can bottle feed, burp, and play in this position. It's great for strengthening abdominal,neck and back muscles and there is no pressure on the back of the head. Please don't enter me in the drawing - just wanted to share.

Unknown said...

Here's a link to an awesome parent education handout about how to position your baby while awake to prevent a flat head. A reader of my blog posted it when I asked if anybody knew of education material like this. It talks about everything - feeding, bathing, carrying. All the opportunities parents have to prevent a flat head that might not be thought of.

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