Pink Nothings is a PR friendly blog. We would love to help you spread the word about your products by review and or giveaways.
To contact the founder of the blog: Pink Nothings herself To contact Simple Goodness mommy blogger:
When a winner is picked, you have 72 hours to get in touch with me or another will be given a chance at the prize.
Team Pink Nothings
The name "Pink Nothings" was created because I am a mother to an active 2 year old boy, and a newborn baby boy and thus own nothing pink. I enjoy painting and eating chocolate chip cookie dough.
You will find product reviews and free giveaways, as well as other great ideas and reads from my two sisters-
Shoe Gypsy, loves fashion and music and creating crafts! She is currently living the fab single life out west.
Simple Goodness is a homemaker and mother of two little boys, she enjoys baking and reading in her spare time.
Down With Pink, my sister-in-law, is the mother of two beautiful girls born with Downs Syndrome. There is a lot of pink in her life!
We hope you will check in often and tell all your friends!
Great! We are going to have a little fun. Want me to help spread the word about your awesome blog? Good I want to! All you have to do to enter is comment on this post with a Link to your favorite post you have written. Then the one with the best read will be selected. You will get a chance to be on my blog next Friday.With a post all about you and your blog!
Mine is mostly fluff too, but I enjoy writing. Here's a funny story from a couple weeks ago:
Hey. Great blog here. I came here and joined followers and would also like to be featured on your blog. My blog is on Web Traffic. With tips and resources for getting more traffic which is more readers and viewers to your blog or website. It is of great help to anyone who blogs or makes websites from beginners to pros. It has great useful things for everyone. The first post is one of the best explaining search engine optimization for getting people from search engines to come to your page.. I hope you like/find useful and can feature my blog on yours. Thank you and I will be back often. Great stuff!! :) Dealz
I would love to be featured! Here is a post I wrote regarding frugality. I basically like to post about everything related to homemaking though! :)
Hi, this is Anara (aka MiniMidgMom). My blog is Your Special Needs Resource Directory. I offer information and tips to parents of Special Needs children on every subject relevant to their children's needs and, of course, directories of resources. I also love to research and invite my readers to let me help them when they are seeking information to help them care for their Special Needs child.My favorite post is a directory of companies that hire for work at home. It's my favorite because I know how hard it can be to work and be a parent, and it can be even harder when your child has Special Needs. I hope this post might help some families turn their financial situations around.
oops - I got distracted by a small child with a harmonica and pasted the wrong link. Here's the link to my favorite post:
I'm actually an old friend of your sister Rachel's and that's how I found your awesome blog! My blog is still in it's beginning stages, but if for a good cause!
I would be happy to do a discount code or giveaway if you wanted!
Very cool idea! My blog is pretty new, so any new readers are greatly welcome. My favorite post so far is
Well my comment is more of a you have a section on your blog where you feature other giveaways going on on other blogs?? I've got a good one coming and was just wondering.
Anonymous said...
Hi there! This is a great idea :)
Here's a link to my favourite post
dotcomkari said...
One of my favorite posts by me, as it helps educate others about Autism.
Thank you for such a great idea!
Shoptots said...
Wow - I feel a little intimidated by the wonderful blogs posted before this! I have to admit, mine is mostly fluff - but fun for me to keep updating!
I now have more reading material!
Lifeofkaylen said...
Mine is mostly fluff too, but I enjoy writing. Here's a funny story from a couple weeks ago:
Alex said...
Hmmm.... I have two...
Surfer Earning Free said...
Hey. Great blog here. I came here and joined followers and would also like to be featured on your blog.
My blog is on Web Traffic. With tips and resources for getting more traffic which is more readers and viewers to your blog or website. It is of great help to anyone who blogs or makes websites from beginners to pros. It has great useful things for everyone. The first post is one of the best explaining search engine optimization for getting people from search engines to come to your page.. I hope you like/find useful and can feature my blog on yours. Thank you and I will be back often. Great stuff!! :)
Andrea McKay said...
Great blog, great idea! Thanks for the opportunity!
"People Are Strange"
"Let It Be"
My life in a blog said...
I would love to be featured!
Here is a post I wrote regarding frugality. I basically like to post about everything related to homemaking though! :)
Anara said...
Hi, this is Anara (aka MiniMidgMom). My blog is Your Special Needs Resource Directory. I offer information and tips to parents of Special Needs children on every subject relevant to their children's needs and, of course, directories of resources. I also love to research and invite my readers to let me help them when they are seeking information to help them care for their Special Needs child.My favorite post is a directory of companies that hire for work at home. It's my favorite because I know how hard it can be to work and be a parent, and it can be even harder when your child has Special Needs. I hope this post might help some families turn their financial situations around.
Anara said...
oops - I got distracted by a small child with a harmonica and pasted the wrong link. Here's the link to my favorite post:
Linds said...
I'm actually an old friend of your sister Rachel's and that's how I found your awesome blog! My blog is still in it's beginning stages, but if for a good cause!
I would be happy to do a discount code or giveaway if you wanted!
Tina said...
Very cool idea! My blog is pretty new, so any new readers are greatly welcome. My favorite post so far is
Jaime said...
Well my comment is more of a you have a section on your blog where you feature other giveaways going on on other blogs??
I've got a good one coming and was just wondering.
Anara said...
I just posted a giveaway for a product that any kid will love! I have a Special Needs blog, but anybody can enter my giveaways.
able2able... Your Special Needs Resource Directory
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