Fall is slowly creeping into our lives here in the south. I was never much of a fan of the cool weather when I was a child. As I have gotten older I just love the crisp weather, fall leaves and the sound of marching bands in the distance. With fall you get the chance to have awesome accessories. I was pleased when Sisters Suburban contacted me and wanted us to review her hats. 
You should know that my son hates hats. He will never keep them on his head. I was delightfully surprised he didn't pull this rich chocolate hat off his head. With how soft it is why should he?
The hats fit our children's heads like a glove. They seem to have just enough elasticity to fit any little or not so little head. The colors are so vibrant and the charm of each hat speaks for itself
Because I don't Tweet. You can come back once a day and leave a comment after you have done at least one of the extra entries.
Good luck and enter today because this giveaway will end October 23Th at midnight.
This giveaway is being offered to anyone in the USA.
Want to WIN a hat in the size, style and color of your choice?
How to enter: Go to Sisters Suburban and come back and tell me which style and color you want if you win.
Extra entries: Leave a comment for each one. If I say 2 entries then you leave 2 comments.
4 Entries: Be or become a Public Follower of Pink Nothings
3 Entries: Have the Pink Nothings button on your blog
Extra entries: Leave a comment for each one. If I say 2 entries then you leave 2 comments.
4 Entries: Be or become a Public Follower of Pink Nothings
3 Entries: Have the Pink Nothings button on your blog
4 Entries: Enter my other contest for the DaysAgo
7 Entries: Blog about on your personal blog with a link back to Sisters Suburban and Pink Nothings. Leave the link to your blog so I can check it out.
7 Entries: Blog about on your personal blog with a link back to Sisters Suburban and Pink Nothings. Leave the link to your blog so I can check it out.
Because I don't Tweet. You can come back once a day and leave a comment after you have done at least one of the extra entries.
Good luck and enter today because this giveaway will end October 23Th at midnight.
This giveaway is being offered to anyone in the USA.
Unknown said...
I would love the Beanie with large flower and brown for the hat a pink flower.
Unknown said...
follower 1. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
follower 2. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
follower 3. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
follower 4. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
I have your button #1. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
I have your button #2. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
I have your button #3. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
entered your days ago contest. #1. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
entered your days ago contest. #2. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
entered your days ago contest. #3. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Unknown said...
entered your days ago contest. #4. amsbolda@hotmail.com
Clements Family said...
love the one with three flowers
Clements Family said...
i follow
Clements Family said...
entered other contest
dotcomkari said...
I would love to win
a Beanie with scalloped edge and 3 small flowers.. in brown with pink flowers for my youngest daughter!
dotcomkari said...
I am a follower of your wonderful blog! :)
dotcomkari said...
I am a follower of your blog number 2
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I am a follower of your blog number 3
dotcomkari said...
I am a follower of your blog number 3
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I am a follower of your blog number 4
dotcomkari said...
I proudly display your button in my button roll on my sidebar
dotcomkari said...
I proudly display your button in my button roll on my sidebar 2
dotcomkari said...
I proudly display your button in my button roll on my sidebar 3
This Mama Rocks said...
Beanie with scalloped edge and large flower in berry or cherry.
This Mama Rocks said...
I follow
This Mama Rocks said...
follow 3
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follow 4
This Mama Rocks said...
i have your button
This Mama Rocks said...
button 2
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button 3
Rebecca Orr said...
I would love to win the white hat with a navy stripe...in medium! I love it! thanks for the chance, bekki1820cb@gmail.com
Rebecca Orr said...
public follower of pn...gfc
Rebecca Orr said...
public follower of pn...gfc
Rebecca Orr said...
public follower of pn...gfc
Rebecca Orr said...
public follower of pn...gfc
This Mama Rocks said...
daily entry
Monkey's Mom said...
I'd love a scalloped edge beanie, chocolate yarn with a white flower and a berry center!
jessica said...
beanie with stripe in Navy
jessica said...
jessica said...
jessica said...
jessica said...
days ago entry
jessica said...
jessica said...
jessica said...
jessica said...
days ago
jessica said...
days ago entry
jessica said...
days ago entry
Anonymous said...
I'd want the Beanie with brim and medium flower in white. My baby looks so sweet in white!
Anonymous said...
I follow.
Anonymous said...
I follow.
Anonymous said...
I follow.
Anonymous said...
I follow.
Anonymous said...
I have your button at http://getalonghome.com
Anonymous said...
Days ago entry.
Anonymous said...
Days ago entry.
Anonymous said...
Days ago entry.
Anonymous said...
Days ago entry.
Anonymous said...
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/?p=1671
Anonymous said...
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/?p=1671
Anonymous said...
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/?p=1671
Anonymous said...
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/?p=1671
Anonymous said...
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/?p=1671
Anonymous said...
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/?p=1671
Anonymous said...
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/?p=1671
JackieN said...
I would love to win the pink beanie with brim and medium flower.
JackieN said...
I follow #1
JackieN said...
I follow #2
JackieN said...
I follow #3
JackieN said...
I follow #4
Denzil and Brittany said...
I would get the beanie with scalloped edges and three small flowers
Denzil and Brittany said...
follower1 brittymcg@yahoo.com
Denzil and Brittany said...
follower2 brittymcg@yahoo.com
Denzil and Brittany said...
follower 3 brittymcg@yahoo.com
Denzil and Brittany said...
follower 4 brittymcg@yahoo.com
Staci A said...
I'd love the beanie with stripe in Almond!
Staci A said...
I follow.
Staci A said...
#2 for following.
Staci A said...
#3 for following.
Staci A said...
#4 for following. Thanks!
Denzil and Brittany said...
love the hats
The Shopping Mama said...
I'd love the Beanie with brim and medium flower in almond or berry or white. Hard to pick - they're so cute!
The Shopping Mama said...
I follow Pink Nothings.
The Shopping Mama said...
I follow #2
The Shopping Mama said...
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The Shopping Mama said...
I follow #4
Samantha said...
I love the crochet hat with a brim and 3 small flowers. Beautiful!
Samantha said...
I am a follower #1
Samantha said...
I am a follower #2
Samantha said...
I am a follower #3
Samantha said...
I am a follower #4
Samantha said...
Entered the DaysAgo contest #1
Samantha said...
Entered the DaysAgo contest #2
Samantha said...
Entered the DaysAgo contest #3
Samantha said...
Entered the DaysAgo contest #4
Mamawj's Moment Away said...
main entry: mine would be the Beanie with stripe in brown for a boy > so warm i bet to wear thanks
Mamawj's Moment Away said...
I am a public follower #1
Mamawj's Moment Away said...
I am a public follower #2
Mamawj's Moment Away said...
I am a public follower #3
Mamawj's Moment Away said...
I am a public follower #4
Denzil and Brittany said...
Denzil and Brittany said...
love those hats
Lee-Ann said...
I would choose this style:
Beanie with scalloped edge and 3 small flowers- pick your size and color
In a brown & pink colour
Denzil and Brittany said...
love the hats
lace said...
I like the Beanie with scalloped edge and large flower. I think I'd choose a maize colored hat with a terracotta flower.
Wehaf said...
I like the beanie with stripe in white with a lake stripe.
urchiken at gmail dot com
Andrea B said...
I like the Beanie with brim and 3 small flowers in chocolate with white flower like the picture.
at sbcglobal.net
Andrea B said...
Public Follower of Pink Nothings
at sbcglobal.net
Andrea B said...
Public Follower of Pink Nothings
at sbcglobal.net
Andrea B said...
has your Pink Nothings button on my blog
at sbcglobal.net
Andrea B said...
has your Pink Nothings button on my blog
at sbcglobal.net
Andrea B said...
has your Pink Nothings button on my blog at
at sbcglobal.net
Denzil and Brittany said...
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