Please. I need to know. Does the girl in blue bother anyone else but me? I cannot stand when she comes on my TV singing. I cringe. I hate the way she makes crazy faces, I hate the way she sings sooo low. I know she has no control over this but I hate her outfit. Having said that. You should know. I DO let my child watch this man......

I really have no idea what that says about my parenting skills.

Jamie's Jewels said...
OMG!! I am laughing soooo hard..My hubby and I can't stand that show..They all annoy me, and the actin gis horrible..Though I still have my 1 yr old watch it..LOL..
And she also had a Yo Gabba Gabba 1st b-day too!!
Ang said...
I so agree with you, ever since they started showing the videos on Noggin, there is just something about her (Marina) I don't like. The show makes it even worse for me.
Yo Gabba Gabba is a favorite in our house, the songs are so cute!!
This Mama Rocks said...
This Mama Rocks said...
haha The Yo Gabba Gabba guy is pretty scary, but my little girl loves to watch him because he is always moving so fast and of course the orange catches her eye. Just think about how much money he makes doing that job!
Stephanie said...
Found you through Speaking from The Crib!
I'm happy to say I've never even heard of this show! Maybe we don't get it in Canada? Or maybe just maybe my 7 and 10 year old are finally passed the really whinny stuff that makes my ears bleed. lol Fingers crossed!
Rachel said...
first of all, that girl use to play on days of our lives... as a teenage race car driver... :) also, j loves both of those shows. i hate yo gabba gabba.. he bugs me!! :)
Megan@Just For Me...And You said...
Yooooooo Gabba Gabba!!! I have done some research on that show, pretty interesting. Did you know that almost everyone is Mormon?? It is true. Crazy Mormons. :)
Pink Nothings said...
yes i knew that!!
Anonymous said...
ha ha this is so funny! My daughter loves Yo Gabba and I personally think he's scary :)
dotcomkari said...
I LOVE Yo-Gaba
My 1 year old is learning not to bite her friends (and siblings) because of that show.. *L*
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