Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I just gave Little Man his second haircut. I did much better this time compared to last. I tell you it isn't easy when all he wants to do is wiggle.


Barely Domestic Mama said...

What a cutie! Great job for a wiggly Little Man! I leave my son's hair up to the professionals since it requires at least 3 people to get his hair cut.

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said...

Aww... what a beautiful little boy! Great hair cut... I definitely do not trust myself to do that!

This Mama Rocks said...

He is so cute!! I can't believe how big he has already gotten. Thanks so much for putting me in your giveaway. I got some traffic and followers from your site. Let me know if you ever need anything!

Megan@Just For Me...And You said...

Hey cutie patootie! Tell your mama to bring you over here!!

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