Saturday, August 7, 2010


I am sick. Yesterday I was cleaning my house all day long. I had to empty my vacuum twice and that is when the sneezing started. At first I thought I just got a ton of dust in my system. Now that it is 6pm and I am still feeling awful....I have come to the conclusion that I must be sick. All I want to do is curl up to a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. Sounds like heaven to me.

On another note. I am starting to get paranoid that I am going to go into labor early. I told my doctor at the last visit that I have been having tight sensations while doing random things in my house. He told me they are braxton hicks and not to worry unless I have 6 in one hour or while I am resting. Well I have been having them while resting. Last night while at dinner with friends I had one for almost 2 minutes. Then in the middle of the night I had one. Oh and now that I think of it I had one before I got to dinner. All while resting. I am becoming more and more concerned. I will see him this Thursday and will try to put off my thoughts until then. They aren't hurting so should I really be worried? What do you think.


Alex said...

:-( I hope you feel better. And try in eat that soup in the picture. It looks delish!

Hannah said...

I wouldn't worry :). I have contractions (non-painful) ones all the time. My sister used to get contractions all the time and they even hurt! I think there is nothing to worry about unless they become regular!

Linds said...

Hope you feel better soon!

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