Thursday, August 12, 2010

My life.

I have been feeling sick all week. I am just now starting to feel better. I have also been so busy. Today was a very busy day. I took LM to the doctor because he told me his ears hurt all day yesterday....turns out the boy is in perfect health. Then I wen to my doctor and he did a vaginal ultrasound on me to check my cervix because of the braxton hicks and the major pain in my groin. Turns out I am measuring a bit big and the baby is in head down position which is causing me more pain. My cervix looked great and I am not progressing into labor at all. Whew!!
Tomorrow I have to make a ton of sugar cookies for a church activity on Saturday morning and Saturday night I am leaving my son over night with my parents to go to a Braves game with my husband. I am scared about leaving him. I will be going back to my parents around midnight but by then LM should be asleep. I shouldn't be so scared because they will be watching him when I go to have my baby in 6 weeks. Yes you read that right 6 weeks. Ohhhh I feel so rushed around these days.

Hope to be posting better next week.

Happy weekend!!


Megan@Just For Me...And You said...

I can't believe you only have 6 weeks left!!! I'm so excited for you! I'm glad sweet boy's ears are ok and that you aren't close to labor. Miss you. XOXO

Audrey and Geoffery said...

You're almost there! YEAH!! I love/hate this part because time creeps by! I hope your doing well. I just read that you are having braxton hipps (SP?) anyway and I had those my WHOLE pregnancy and they're super annoying and make you worry and I hate them. So sorry, but I hope you feel better now.

Hannah said...

No better place than grandmas! My kids don't miss me at all when they go--I think they'd live there if they could.

Almost there!

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