Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quick and Easy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

You need three ingredients.
A box of spice cake mix, a bag of miniature chocolate chips and a can of pumpkin.
Preheat the oven to 350.
Mix the ingredients together in a big bowl. Scoop decently small amounts onto a pan, letting them be closer to a flat looking scoop than a big round one. (They will cook better this way.)
Bake the cookies between 7 and 8 minutes. After that, take the cookies out of the oven and let the cookies sit for a minute on the pan.
When the cookies have cooled, I like to sprinkle powder sugar on top of them. The texture will be a lot like cake :) This recipe makes about 2 dozen (depending on what size you make your cookies).

Happy Halloween


MNMSpecial said...

Oh, Yum! My favorite and this is so easy I would have time to do it before I pick up the kids from school today. Thanks

Clements Family said...

Those look good...and easy!
I gave you an award on my blog!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, I'm trying those :) Thanks!!

Multiple personalities.. said...

Ooooh, this looks sooo yummy! And perfect for fall I love that it requires so few ingredients. This will be a great Autumn treat that my son can help me make. Thanks for sharing this recipe, I can't wait to try it out! :-D

jessica said...

I make my pumpkin loaf just like this. I use a can of pumpkin, then 1 yellow cake mix box, I add cinnaimon, and nutmeg for taste and bake in a greased loaf pan for about 35-40 mins on 325.

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