Being a woman we all tend to love one certain fashion trend the most. Whether it's hats, purses, or jewelry we all have one favorite above the rest. For me, my love is for shoes. The heel, the color, the straps, it makes my day to get a new pair of shoes! But then sadly, there are some shoes that will never be worn unless the person has lost their eyesight prior to buying these shoes. Because anyone with sight would never ever (well I hope never ever) purchase such sad shoes.
For some example-
Nine West Divara- $128.95
(Nothing Diva about these...)
Spring Step Azalea- $63.99
(Someone is taking the term "take a walk in nature" a little too serious)
Diba Babs- $73.50
(The fabric would make a good pillow or drapes in a haunted mansion)
Promiscuous Trey- $69.00
(I bet the name came from all the hookers that buy these)
J. Renee Brinda0 $98.95
(If the Little Mermaid was a shoe....)

(I think it says it all in the name. Only a poetic licence racy lady would wear these.....)

Aldo Osterberger- $120.00
(Sir yes sir ma'am?)

And now my favorite shoe dis-
Birki's Woodby- $93
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