First weapon of choice. Cookie cutters. THEY. SAVE. ME. Simple, easy, and you can guarantee that 99.9% of the time your child will eat whatever is placed in front of him for meals. The trick is, you must first cut it into something your child recognizes. For LM, he is into trees ever since Christmas. We always decorate with raisins.
Sidenote: I have also found if I get food coloring and add a smile to the shape he will be extra excited to eat it.
Side note: Just be willing to sing this for almost every apple slice.
Some suggestions for the "icing" are just plain peanut butter for your apples or you could puree some carrots, add some chocolate syrup to your peanut butter for some added fun.
Geez who knew feeding a toddler could be liberating and ?!!
Feel free to leave some of your own parenting secrets in getting a toddler.

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