What is it about being a mother that makes you forget everything? The other day I was looking all over my new house for my laundry so I could walk to my sister-in-laws and wash some clothes. I looked everywhere and never could find them. I did find them later that night.....in my hamper. Geez have I lost my mind or what?! Now that you get a clear picture of just how forgetful I can be you will see why I love this product I reviewed.

It's called
DaysAgo from
http://www.howmanydaysago.com/ . It's this awesome digital day counter that you can use on just about anything. There are many different ways to attach it to the item you need to keep track on. Elastic bands, magnets and suctions.

Because I make my own baby food and I was a breastfeeding mom I love the idea of using it to keep track of when you put it in the fridge. I cannot tell you how many times I had to throw breast milk out because I couldn't remember how long it had been in there. This would have saved me.

I was also very happy to be able to use the special edition
DaysAgo for breast cancer awareness. I had just gone to the doctor and got checked before this arrived so I am right on track and will be able to check again when the time comes.
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