Saturday, September 5, 2009

Really? It's Saturday?

Wow. These past few days went by soo fast. I have been running all around town. Yesterday we had a inspection on the house we are planning on buying. I will give you one small peek at it! I am soo in love with this house. It doesn't hurt that I will live 3 doors down from my sister-in-law! No lie I can walk to her house and take advantage of her awesome new backyard she just got all kid friendly.
Just ignore the inspector and imagine me cooking yummy dinners at that stove. I really need to look into some nice rugs now that I will have hardwood floors.
Have a great long weekend!


Morgan said...

Congratulations on your new house! How cool that you're going to have hardwood floors!

Megan@Just For Me...And You said...


Anonymous said...

oh how wonderful to be living 3 doors down from your sister in law- love the house!

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