Tuesday, September 1, 2009

come say hello!

Hello!! I am thrilled to be joining in on the fun here at Pink Nothings. I am definitely "down with pink!" I have two little girls (24 mos and 4 1/2) and we are far from lacking in the pink department!

A little bit about me...
I am an artist, an Army wife, a chef, a chauffeur, a doctor, a therapist, a geneticist, a mom of two daughters with Down Syndrome, and at times a little crazy. Most of all, I am just a girl trying to figure things out as I go. I have my share of trials, doubt and tears, but I also have lots of laughter, joy and love that fills my life. I look forward to getting to know you guys and sharing my journey with you. Thank you Pink Nothings for letting me tag along. I know it is going to be a fabulous ride!!


Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said...

Welcome, from a fellow Army wife!

Megan said...

Welcome! I am excited to see more posts from you!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks for taking the time to share with us. Can't wait for more!

~~Rhonda said...

What precious little girls! Such a cute picture. :) ~~Rhonda

Anonymous said...

Your babies are absolutely beautiful! And you're an army wife, too! Lady, you must be made of the purest steel, (with gold filling!). Thanks for the sacrifice. I know it's not easy being the wife of a military man. (At least, that's what my military wife friends say. Mine's a programmer.)

Xenia said...

Wow. From your list, I relate to being a little crazy. I think your daughters are so cute, that picture of them is adorable - I love the pigtails!

Looking forward to hearing more!

dotcomkari said...

I just wanted to comment and tell you how amazly beautiful your two little girls are!

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