Monday, August 31, 2009

Winner: See Kai Run

Okay I am not even going to lie to you. This is crazy.
Yesterday I got an email from Jill who told me she was going out of town and would not be able to confirm her winnings if she won the shoes. So this was an email confirming just in case. She didn't want to miss out. I laughed and thought what are the chances you really are going to win? Well she did! So to the Jill who wrote me and already confirmed when you get back in town you will be pretty happy!
I can't even make these things up if I wanted to!! Too weird.


jessica said...

Is this the same jill who won the Hip T? Because that Jill IS out of town....

Penelope said...

Congrats to Jill...I love see kai run shoes!

Jill said...

Same one. Yay! I'm back and so excited! I'll email you soon.

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