Monday, August 24, 2009

So I have been busy. I know I told you all that I got a house but things are not working out with it. There are too many things to fix up with it. I am in the process of looking again. Sad. However I think I might have another....I will not post about it again unless I really have it! No need to excite you for no reason at all. Happy Monday!!


Stacy Christian said...

Hello new, awesome design!!! Love it!

SOO SO SO sorry about the house not working out. :(

Brie H said...

I love your new blog design!! I really am sorry about the house issue. We are currently starting to looking into buying a house, but I am bogged down by all the information to get a loan. I am standing on the edge but scared to jump off and be screwed!

Pink Nothings said...

Thanks you guys!
and Brie good luck and take the jump!

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