The No Throw was developed by identical twin sisters Karla Scanlan and Karen Kuhn as a solution to keep bottles and sippy cups in place They came up with the idea for No Throw after Karla and her family relocated from Chicago to suburban Detroit. As a result of the move, the sisters found themselves traveling back and forth between the two states much more than they ever imagined. One frustrating day, Karla was on an airplane chasing her son’s rolling baby bottle under passenger seats while her twin sister Karen was driving long-distance on an expressway and pulling over every ten minutes to pick up her baby’s sippy cup to stop his crying. That very night, when Karla and Karen relayed their hectic day, they decided they were going to come up with a solution.
See how well it works on my little pitcher!
One lucky MaMa will win the color of their choice!!
How to enter:Go to and come back and let me know which one you like best. Leave your email for me to contact you if you win.
Extra Entries: Leave a comment for each entry5 entries: Follow my blog publicly.
5 entries: Blog about on your personal blog with a link back to my blog and also. Must leave a link in the comment box to your blog so I can check it out.
2 entries: Add my button on your personal blog.
Good Luck!
Enter today because this giveaway will end August 2ND at Midnight.
Open to U.S. only.

I love how this product came about, hasn't every mother had days like this?
Ever since Little Man started using a sippy he would throw it. Then he learned Uh Ohhh. That's when the throwing got worse. He would throw it and that cute Little Man would say Uh Ohhhh and melt his parents hearts. We thought he was just adorable. Then, it never stopped. He knew we thought he was cute when he did it and didn't understand why we had changed. I got soo sick of hearing the loud bang 20 times during meals. But now he has learned it's not a game and really he has gotten better at keeping it on his tray. When he does have the urge to throw it, well it just doesn't go to far! I LOVE it.
What I like about this product.
-I am no longer hearing loud bangs
-It has helped to teach him to keep his sippy near him on the tray
-He has not been able to take it off, even when he tries!
-You can attach it to strollers, highchairs and car seats. (the car seat is just perfect, my Little Man has learned how to pull the string back up after he throws it when he wants more water)
-The color choice are super cute and tons to pick from
One lucky MaMa will win the color of their choice!!
How to enter:Go to and come back and let me know which one you like best. Leave your email for me to contact you if you win.
Extra Entries: Leave a comment for each entry
5 entries: Blog about on your personal blog with a link back to my blog and also. Must leave a link in the comment box to your blog so I can check it out.
2 entries: Add my button on your personal blog.
Good Luck!
Enter today because this giveaway will end August 2ND at Midnight.
Open to U.S. only.
Megan@Just For Me...And You said...
I like the blue with trucks.
Megan@Just For Me...And You said...
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follow 3-I hate your word verification
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button 1
Xenia said...
I like the Orange With Butterflies best!
xpsundell at gmail dot com
Jill said...
I like green with animals.
Jill said...
button 2
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Annie said...
I like the brown with flowers
What a neat idea!
Annie said...
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AmyLynn said...
I like the NT14 - Leopard Print. Thanks!
AmyLynn said...
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Anonymous said...
Pink Gingham
Debbie said...
I like the Orange with the alphabet.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
Debbie said...
#1 I follow your blog.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
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Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
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#3 I follow your blog.
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#4 I follow your blog.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
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#5 I follow your blog.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
Erin Lowmaster said...
I like the Green With Zoo Animals!
Xenia said...
I follow your blog #1
xpsundell at gmail dot com
Xenia said...
I follow your blog #2
xpsundell at gmail dot com
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I follow your blog #3
xpsundell at gmail dot com
Xenia said...
I follow your blog #4
xpsundell at gmail dot com
Xenia said...
I follow your blog #5
xpsundell at gmail dot com
tina reynolds said...
i really like the blue with trucks thanks for the chance to win
tina reynolds said...
i follow thanks for the chance to win bonus entry 1
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tina reynolds said...
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tina reynolds said...
i follow thanks for the chance to win bonus entry 5
Katrina said...
i love the green with numbers one
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
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